Response codes

Learn how to handle the error codes that may appear in the requests to our endpoints.

Error structure

The API returns an object with two response attributes to show the error in the request.

The response consists of:

  • code which represents a Generic code
  • description which represents a meaningful error message
    "error": {
        "code": "EMA-1000",
        "description": "x-api-key"
    "data": null


Error CodeError typeCausePossible solution
EM-6003CuponAlreadyUsedInOrderThe coupon has been applied to the orderVerify whether the coupon has already been applied to the order using the get order by token method.
EM-6002CuponAlreadyUsedThe Coupon is already usedCheck the limit of uses of the coupon or if it is a unique coupon.
EM-6001CuponNotApplicableThe coupon is expired or does not exist.Check that the coupon code is valid, has not expired, and is still active.
EM-6000CuponNotFoundCoupon not foundVerify that the coupon code is in the allowed format and try again.
EM-5000MerchantUnknownUnknown error

Shipping costs

Error CodeError typeCausePossible solution
EM-4000WithoutCoverageDispatch location outside coverage areaCheck the latitude and longitude of the shipping method and see if it is within the coverage area.
EM-4001ClosedStoreClosed shopCheck store hours and verify that it is open.
EM-5000MerchantUnknownUnknown errorUnknown error, please make a new request or contact support.

Common API errors

Error CodeError typeCausePossible solution
EMA-1000MissingHeadersThe request header is missing or invalidVerify that the header is being sent correctly in the request.
EMA-1001CannotGetMetadataCannot get the metadataCheck if the metadata sent in the request has the correct format.
EMA-1002PayloadErrorThe request’s payload has failed.Verify that the request's payload or body is correctly formatted.
EMA-1003ShippingOptionNotAvailableShipping option is not availableCheck if the shipping option is valid for those we have available: delivery or pickup.
EMA-1004OrderAlreadyProcessedThe order has already been processedPlace a new order, as the previous order has already been processed.
EMA-1005OrderStatusNotValidForTransitionAttempting to change the status of a transaction that is already cancelled, refunded, or completedCheck the current state of the transaction before attempting to change it.
EMA-1006OrderStateConflictsThe order does not have a defined shipping methodPlease make sure you select a valid shipping method before proceeding with the transaction.
EMA-1007ShippingMethodNotAvailableShipping method does not match any availableReview the shipping methods configured for the merchant and select a compatible one.
EMA-1008ConfigurationOperationConflictTrade setup does not exist in the databaseVerify that the required settings are set correctly.
EMA-1009InvalidOrderTypeInvalid order typeReview the type of order being sent and make sure it is compatible with the configured systems.
EMA-2000CannotParseDataError when trying to process or analyze dataMake sure the data sent is in the correct format and meets system requirements.
EMA-3000ConfigurationNotFoundConfiguration not foundThe endpoints for merchant integration have not been configured.
EMA-3001OrderNotFoundOrder not foundThe Order is not registered in the store; validate that it is correct or that it is within the store.
EMA-3002DataBaseErrorDatabase errorTry again he transaction later.
EMA-3003ConfigurationAlreadyExistAn attempt was made to create a trading setup that already existsCheck if the configuration is already registered before trying to create a new one.
EMA-4000RequestServiceErrorThe request cannot connect to a serviceVerify whether the request is correct.
EMA-4001RequestServiceTimeoutThe request has reached its waiting time to get a response.Generate another request.
EMA-4002payerServiceErrorPayment methods are not available or the request to the merchant service failedMake sure that the payment methods are configured correctly or contact suport.
EMA-5000UnauthorizedThe request is not authorized.X-API-Key is missing in the request header
EMA-5001InvalidAPIKeyThe provided API key is not validReview the API key used in the request and replace it with a valid one if necessary.
EMA-6000RefundErrorThe refund has failed.Verify that the body of the request is formatted correctly.
EMA-6001VoidErrorThe void request has failed.Verify that the body of the request is formatted correctly.
EMA-6002PendingPaymentThe order is in pending or processing statusWait for the order status to update or check the current status before taking further action.
EMA-6003CaptureErrorError when trying to update an order to capture statusVerify the existence of the order and make sure it meets the criteria to be captured.
EMA-6004CannotCreateOrderCould not tokenize or create an orderMake sure that the data provided for creating the order is correct and complete.
EMA-6005CannotUpdateCustomFieldsFailure to validate or update custom fields of an orderVerify that custom fields are correctly defined and compatible with the configured systems.
EMA-6006CannotGetUserInfoThe request to the business user service failedReview the connection to the user service and ensure that the requests include the correct parameters.
EMA-6007CannotGetWebhookCannot get the Webhook configurationVerify that the body of the request is formatted correctly.
EMA-6008CannotExecuteWebhookWebhook response with custom fields not configuredReview the webhook configuration
EMA-6009CannotApplyTemplateConflict when trying to apply a templateReview the configured templates.
EMA-6010ErrorFromMerchantError raised due to an error in the merchant APIVerify that the body of the request is formatted correctly.
EMA-6011CannotUpdateOrderThe order could not be updatedVerify that the body of the request is formatted correctly.
EMA-6016CannotCancelPurchasedOrderFailure to send a notification and cancel a purchased orderReview your notification settings and make sure the order meets the criteria to be canceled.
EMA-6017CannotNotifyPurchasedOrderMerchant notification settings not availableProperly configure notifications for the merchant before attempting to send alerts or updates.
EMA-6018UnauthorizedThere was a problem with authentication.Please review the API keys that are currently in use.
EMA-6019OrderExpiredThis order has already expired, so you cannot try to pay it. This error happens when trying to pay an expired order.You must create a new order.
EMA-6020CannotExpireOrderYou cannot expire this order because it has either expired or had an associated payment attempt.

Special Cases:

PIX: an order is allowed to expire when it has no associated payment attempt or the associated payment attempt is pending.
You must create a new order.
EMA-7000InvalidFileRequestFile request is invalidVerify that the request includes the correct parameters and formats before resending it.
EMA-7001InternalErrorRetrievingFilesError when trying to recover stored filesReview storage services or configurations to ensure proper recovery.
EMA-7002InternalErrorRetrievingPresignedURLError retrieving pre-signed URLsReview your pre-signed URL generation settings and make sure your storage system is working properly.
EMA-8000PaymentLinkRedirectErrorFailed to redirect to order token of the payment linkReview the order token and verify that it is correct.
EMA-9001AttemptsExceededCodeThe allowed number of attempts for the transaction has been exceededTry again with another card or payment method
EMA-9998MerchantInternalErrorInternal errorRetry the transaction or try another payment processor
EMA-9999MerchantUnknownThe merchant identifier is not present in the requestInclude the merchant identifier in the request or verify the structure of the data sent.

Payment link

Error CodeError typeCausePossible solution
EMA-6021CannotCreatePaymentLinkTemplateAn error occurred while trying to create the payment link template.Ensure that the fields included in the payment link request are necessary for its creation.
EMA-6022CannotGetPaymentLinkTemplateThe system cannot find the requested payment link template.Verify the payment link ID requested.
EMA-6023CannotUpdatePaymentLinkTemplateAn error occurred while trying to update the Payment link template.Verify the required fields requested to update the payment link.
EMA-6024InvalidStatusTransitionPaymentLinkTemplateThe requested status transition is invalid or does not allow modifications.Verify that the status is eligible for change or modification before transitioning.
EMA-6025PaymentLinkTemplateExpiredThe payment link template has expired and is no longer valid for use.Generate a new payment link if needed to continue the operation or edit the expiration date of the current payment link.
EMA-6026PaymentLinkTemplateLimitExceededThe maximum allowable uses for the payment link have been exceeded.Create a new payment link or increase the redemption limit.
EMA-6027PaymentLinkTemplateCompletedThe payment link template has been completed.No further action is required. If a new payment is needed, generate a new link.
EMA-6028PaymentLinkTemplateDisabledThe payment link template has been deactivated and is no longer available.Verify the link settings and, if necessary, reactivate the link or create a new one.
EMA-6029PaymentLinkTemplateCancelledThe payment link template has been canceled; the operation cannot continue.Create a new payment link if a new transaction is required.


Error CodeError typeCausePossible solution
CHECKOUT-1000CheckoutNotReadyCheckout is not ready to startVerify checkout settings
CHECKOUT-1001CheckoutNotReadyForShippingCheckout is not ready for shippingVerify the shipping method configuration or the shipping rate.
CHECKOUT-1002CheckoutNotReadyForNotifyCheckout is not ready to notifyVerify that exists only one notification endpoint configured.


Error CodeError typeCausePossible solution
DP-10001Err3DSVerifySupportProblems processing 3DS related dataVerify that the information submitted is complete and correct. Make sure the settings are up to date.
DP-10002Err3DSAuthorizeProblems authorizing transactions with 3DSConfirm that the customer's details are correct. Check the authorization method settings.
DP-10003Err3DSRequiredChallenge3DS challenge required errorTry again with another card or payment method.
DP-10004Err3DSGetStatusError checking 3DS statusTry again with another card or payment method.
DP-10005Err3DSPurchaseError when making purchases with 3DSTry again with another card or payment method.
DP-10024ErrManualReviewError getting manual review status for a transactionConfirm the transaction information.
DP-10025Err3DSChallengeFailedPayment service provider responds with failure in 3DS challengeTry again with another card or payment method.
DP-3000ErrPayloadError in the payload sent in the request or it’s empty- Verify that you send the payload. - For Nequi, verify that the phone number is included - For refund transactions, verify that the amount sent is positive
DP-3001ErrCannotParseDataThe data sent cannot be verified or a validation rule has failedValidate the data payload
DP-3002ErrRequestServiceError- The card cannot be tokenized or retrieved - Error in the installments planValidate the request information and try again
DP-3003ErrAmountRequestErrorThe processor does not support partial refundsValidate that the amount field matches or is not null in the request
DP-4000ErrMissingHeadersThe processor does not support partial refundsValidate that the amounts field match or are not null in the request
DP-4001ErrUnauthorizedRequest header not foundVerify that the header is being sent correctly in the request.
DP-4002ErrCardTokenForbiddenRequest not authorizedValidate the X-API-Key header or check your configuration
DP-4003ErrStoreCodeValidationStore code not foundValidate that the store code is not empty or is incorrect
DP-4004ErrValidation- The authorization and capture methods are not enabled - For PlacetoPay, the country_iso field is missingValidate you configuration or check if the country_iso field is not empty
DP-4005ErrMerchantIDValidationThe merchant code was not foundCheck if the merchant code is not empty or incorrect
DP-4006ErrUserValidationUser information is empty or invalid in the request of the webhookCheck the user information.
DP-4007ErrParseUuidThe error token has not the correct formatValidate the error token
DP-4008ErrCardNotFoundThe card cannot be retrieved from the token or the number is not correct.Check the card number in the request or the card token

In case you are using card_id, this error means that the card_id is not part of or associated with the user you are using to create the /purchase.
DP-4009ErrProcessorNotFoundThe payment processor does not exist or is not enabled for the merchantCheck in Admin if the payment method is configured.
DP-4011ErrMerchantStoreConfigNotFoundMerchant store configuration not foundMake sure the store code is correct.
DP-4012ErrAlreadyExistsInDBThe payment or configuration processor already exists in the databaseVerify the data before trying to add new records.
DP-4013ErrPaymentProcessorNotFoundPayment processor not foundCheck the processor data and make sure the identifier is valid.
DP-4015ErrProcessorNotSupportedThe payment processor does not support the operationMake sure your processor supports the requested method.
DP-4016ErrCannotFindOperationsThe processor does not support the requested operationReview processor capabilities to ensure compatibility with required operations.
DP-4017ErrInvalidCardProblems with the card providedVerify that the card details are correct and that it is enabled for use.
DP-4018ErrInvalidCaptureAmountAttempt to capture an amount greater than authorizedMake sure the amount captured does not exceed what was originally authorized.
DP-4019ErrTransactionInProcessTransaction in processWait for the current transaction to complete before attempting another operation.
DP-4020ErrTokenTransactionNotFoundRedisError retrieving transaction informationCheck that the requested information exists.
DP-4022ErrProcessorsNotSupportSplitThere are no processors that support split paymentsReview your processor settings and make sure at least one allows split payments.
DP-4023ErrMissingRecipientProcessorsProcessors are missing or numbers of recipients and processors do not matchMake sure you configure all recipients and processors necessary to complete the operation.
DP-4024ErrInvalidCredentialsIncorrect credentials in purchase transactions, authorization, etc.Confirm that the processor credentials entered are valid.
DP-4026ErrPurchasePurchase transaction failureVerify the transaction details and make sure the system is properly configured to process payments.
DP-4027ErrAuthorizeAuthorization transaction failureMake sure the customer details are correct and the system supports the authorization method.
DP-4028ErrCaptureCapture transaction failureConfirm that the amount to be captured is valid and that the system supports the capture operation.
DP-4029ErrVoidTransaction void failureVerify that the transaction is authorized and can be voided according to system policies.
DP-4030ErrAuthenticationMissingDocuments or types of documents required for the transaction are missingBe sure to provide the payer's document number or type
DP-4031ErrNoProcessorForDynamicRoutingNo rule found for dynamic routingConfigure appropriate dynamic routing rules to process the request correctly.
DP-4033ErrVerifyOTPFailed to verify OTP codeResend the OTP code to the payer or request a new one if the old one has expired.
DP-4034ErrWalletPayCredentialNotFoundNo wallet payment method credentials foundMake sure the payer has set up their credentials correctly.
DP-4035ErrInstallmentPlanPayment plans were not generatedVerify that customer data and system configurations are correct to enable payment plans.
DP-4100ErrMissingCVVFailure to enter security code (CVV)Asks the payer to provide the CVV code to complete the transaction.
DP-4101ErrInvalidCVVThe cvv is invalidThe CVV on the card is not correct, try a valid CVV.
DP-4102ErrInvalidInstallmentsInvalid installment numberReview the available installment options and confirm that they match those offered by the provider.
DP-4103ErrInvalidTransactionAmountError with transaction amountConfirm that the amount entered is correct and within the allowed limits.
DP-4104ErrInstallmentsNotSupportedThe provider does not support installment plansReview that the payment processor supports installments or use another payment processor
DP-4105ErrInstallmentsNotInstantiatedError creating payment plansMake sure the payment processor can create payment plans and that the necessary data is complete.
DP-4200ErrInternalServerErrorPSPThe processor returned an internal errorRetry the transaction or try another payment processor
DP-4210ErrGooglePayMessageExpiredConfirmation message has expiredPrompt the customer to restart the payment process.
DP-4211ErrGooglePayInvalidSignatureInvalid signature in the payment processMake sure your customer and payment details are correct before processing again.
DP-4300ErrExpCardExpiration date errorValidate the expiration date of the card
DP-4301ErrIDUserIdentification number/type errorValidate the identification number or type of the payer.
DP-4302ErrNameUserCardholder name errorValidate the cardholder’s name
DP-4303ErrNumberCardCard number errorValidate the card number.
DP-4400ErrProcessing3DSThe 3DS windows cannot be startedTry again with another card or payment method
DP-4500ErrBankRejectedGeneral decline by the issuer bank.Try again with another card or payment method
DP-5001ErrNotImplementedPayment method not configuredValidate the configuration of the payment method.
DP-5002ErrDBThe transaction could not be found or there was a problem with the Database connectionValidate the transaction ID and try again later.
DP-5003ErrDynamicRoutingRequest to dynamic routing service failedReview your routing configuration to ensure that the rules are correct and applicable.
DP-5004ErrFraudEvaluateThe fraud evaluation for the transaction has failed most likely due to missing parametersReview the parameters requested for the processor
DP-5005ErrReviewTransaction review failureConfirm that the transaction data is correct.
DP-5006ErrInitialGatewayFailed to start a new gatewayEnsure that the gateway configurations are correct and that it is available for use.
DP-6000ErrRequestAlreadyProcessedThe request is already processed or is in progress.Try again with another request.
DP-6001ErrCannotUpdateTransactionCannot update transactionRetry the request to update the transaction
DP-6002ErrCannotFindTransactionThe transaction was not foundValidate the transaction ID and retry.
DP-6003ErrUnknownPaymentThe transaction may not have been approvedMake another transaction or try with another payment processor
DP-6004ErrCannotFindOrCreateTransactionThe transaction could not be found or created.Make another transaction or try with another payment processor
DP-6005ErrUnknownRefundThe transaction has already been rejected or refundedPlease check the current status of the transaction before attempting a refund.
DP-6006ErrUnknownVoidThe transaction has already been rejected or voidedPlease check the current status of the transaction before attempting a capture.
DP-6007ErrUnknownCaptureFailed to capture transactionPlease check the current status of the transaction before attempting a capture.
DP-6008ErrRefundRefund transaction failureReview the reasons for the refund failured returned by the processor.
DP-6009ErrCannotUpdatePartialRefundFailure to update a partial refundMake sure the partial refund parameters are correct and supported by your processor.
DP-6010ErrCannotFindPartialRefundFailure to find a partial refundReview the data and try again
DP-6011ErrOperationDisabledThe payment processor configuration does not allow the operationMake another operation or try with another payment processor
DP-7011ErrWaitingOTPThe transaction is waiting for the OTP code.Wait until you receive the OTP code to complete the transaction.
DP-7012ErrFailureOTPThe OTP code sent is not correct.Review the code and try again or request a new code.
DP-7022ErrCardVaultThe card number cannot be retrieved, is incorrect or is on the fraud list.Try with another card or token.
DP-7023ErrSistecreditoPaymentThe payment creation with SISCREDITO has failedReview the information and make a new payment
DP-7100ErrWorkflowPurchaseError when trying to create a transaction or tokenize a card due to missing parameters.Review the required fields of the payload.
DP-7101ErrWorkflowAuthorizeError performing an authorization transactionMake sure the transaction details are correct and retry the transaction.
DP-7102ErrWorkflowCaptureError performing a capture transactionVerify that the funds have been authorized before attempting to capture them.
DP-7103ErrWorkflowVoidError when performing a void transactionConfirm that the transaction is eligible to be voided and verify the processor details.
DP-7104ErrWorkflowRefundError when completing a refund transactionReview that the refund parameters are correct.
DP-7105ErrWorkflowGetTransationError getting or reviewing a transactionMake sure the transaction IDs are valid and the processor is available.
DP-7106ErrWorkflowBankListError when making a bank list requestVerify that the processor service is operational and retry the operation.
DP-7107ErrSettlementValidationCannot execute a capture, void or refund once the transaction is in settlement process.Wait unitl the settlement process finishes or perform this type of transaction through the asynchronous v2 and automatically proceed to execute the desired transaction once the settlement is finished.
DP-7108ErrWorkflowInstallmentPlanError when making an installment plan requestConfirm that the payment processor supports installments and that the parameters are valid.
DP-7109ErrWorkflowCancelOrderFailure when trying to cancel an orderMake sure the order is cancelable.
DP-8000ErrCannotGenerateQRCannot generate the QR codeValidate that the parameters to create the QR code are correct and complete.
DP-8001ErrFraudValidationThe processor returned a possible fraud error.Review the parameters requested for the processor
DP-8002ErrFraudSystemConnPayment method not found or connection error.Review the payment method configuration in the Admin or try again later.
DP-9000ErrInsufficientFunds => ErrT1PagosRefundThere are no funds in the account to complete the operationValidate your account funds and try again later.
DP-9001ErrMaxAttemps => ErrT1PagosVoidThe limit of attempts for the operation has been reached.Validate your account and try again later.
DP-9999ErrUnknownGeneric errorUnknown error, please make a new request or contact support.
DPEC-000PaymentMessage000Content response failed when completing a transactionConfirm that the transaction details are correct and that there are no problems communicating with the processor.


Error CodeError typeCausePossible solution
EM-1000WithoutPaymentErrorFailed to verify OTP codeMake sure the OTP code is valid and retry the operation.
EM-1001WithoutOrderIdErrorOrder ID is missingProvide a valid order ID in the request and verify that it is not empty.
EM-1002OrderNotExistThe order does not existReview the order identifier and confirm that it is registered in the system.
EM-1003WithoutPaymentMethodErrorPayment method is missingSet up a valid payment method to complete the transaction.
EM-1004OrderWithoutPaymentMethodThe order does not have a payment method assignedMake sure a payment method is associated with the order before proceeding.
EM-1005PaymentNotConfiguredPayment method is not configuredVerify that the payment method is enabled and correctly configured.
EM-1006OrderWithoutStoreCodeThe order exists but there is not a store assigned to itProvide the appropriate store code to continue the transaction.
EM-2000WithoutOrdenTokenOrder token is missing when calculating the priceProvide a valid token and retry the operation.
EM-2001MissingParametersParameters are missing in the request to calculate the shippingReview and complete the required parameters in the request before submitting it.
EM-3000CannotBeProcessedFailed to canceled the transactionReview the transaction data before trying again.
EM-4002OutOfStockThe requested item is not available in inventoryReview inventory levels and adjust product availability in the system.
EM-9998MerchantInternalErrorInternal trade errorInternal error, please make a new request.
EM-9999MerchantUnknownThe merchant identifier is not present in the requestMake sure to include the merchant identifier in the request or review the structure of the data sent.


Error CodeError typeCausePossible solution
FRD-7000FraudCodeScoreAndWorkflowThe fraud evaluation for the transaction has failed. Score was higher than the max score allowed and transaction stopped by the workflowRetry the transaction or try another payment method