Integrar NuPay

In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to integrate and use NuPay efficiently. NuPay is an advanced platform that streamlines online payments and financial transactions, offering a secure and reliable solution for your payment processing needs.

NuPay payment method

NuPay payment method

Integration Steps


Postman Collection:

1 - Create Order

Create an order with DEUNA. This API will return back a DEUNA’s order_token which will be required to follow the next steps.


The object webhook_urls/notify_order will receive the URL that DEUNA will send the status of the customer’s consent when it receives an update.

  • Endpoint: https://{{base_url}}/merchants/orders
  • Method: POST
  • Request Example:
  "order": {
    "order_id": "{{$randomUUID}}", // this can be updated using the "1.2 Update order"
    "store_code": "all", // very important is "all"
    "currency": "BRL",
    "items_total_amount": 1,
    "tax_amount": 0,
    "sub_total": 13000,
    "shipping_amount": 0,
    "payment_method": "wallet", // required for NuPay
    "shipping_tax_amount": 0,
    "total_tax_amount": 0,
    "total_amount": 13000,
    "discounts": [],
    "items": [
        "id": "{{$randomUUID}}",
        "name": "Papas",
        "description": "Papas fritas con paprica",
        "total_amount": {
          "original_amount": 2100,
          "amount": 2050,
          "total_discount": 100,
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "unit_price": {
          "amount": 1050,
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "tax_amount": {
          "amount": 50,
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "quantity": 2,
        "image_url": "",
        "taxable": true
        "id": "{{$randomUUID}}",
        "name": "Refresco",
        "description": "Coca-cola Sprite",
        "total_amount": {
          "original_amount": 75,
          "amount": 90,
          "total_discount": 0,
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "unit_price": {
          "amount": 75,
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "tax_amount": {
          "amount": 15,
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "quantity": 1,
        "image_url": "",
        "taxable": true
    "shipping_address": {
      "id": "{{$randomInt}}",
      "first_name": "Pablo",
      "last_name": "Murillo",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "identity_document": "58188896454", // required for NuPay
      "identity_document_type": "CPF", // required for NuPay
      "address1": "Praia de Botafogo St.,",
      "address2": "3o. Andar",
      "zipcode": "22251-050",
      "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "state_name": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "country_code": "BRA",
      "phone": "+551146733466",
      "lat": -22.943934,
      "lng": -43.182984,
      "additional_description": "confirmar",
      "address_type": "home"
    "billing_address": {
      "id": "{{$randomInt}}",
      "first_name": "Jean",
      "last_name": "Roldan",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "identity_document": "58188896454", // required for NuPay
      "identity_document_type": "CPF", // required for NuPay
      "address1": "Rua Capote Valente",
      "address2": "Pinheiros",
      "zipcode": "05409-002",
      "city": "São Paulo",
      "state_name": "SP",
      "country_code": "BRA",
      "phone": "+5521988939196",
      "lat": -23.555425,
      "lng": -46.677048,
      "address_type": "home"
    "metadata": {
      "origin": "core"
    "browser_details": {
      "screen_height": 1000,
      "screen_width": 2000
    **"webhook_urls": {
      "notify_order": "" // URL for DEUNA to send webhooks
  • Response Example:
  "token": "dca264ff-f608-4e0e-99b1-6fed95ddaaae",
  "order_type": "DEUNA_CHECKOUT",
  "order": {
    "order_id": "adb1ef51-e073-49f5-ba3b-a7e42344fd15",
    "store_code": "all",
    "currency": "BRL",
    "tax_amount": 0,
    "display_tax_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "shipping_amount": 0,
    "display_shipping_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "items_total_amount": 1,
    "display_items_total_amount": "BRL 0,01",
    "sub_total": 13000,
    "display_sub_total": "BRL 130,00",
    "total_amount": 13000,
    "display_total_amount": "BRL 130,00",
    "items": [
        "id": "8791e81b-5c20-414d-a1ae-3d5ad29bd477",
        "name": "Papas",
        "description": "Papas fritas con paprica",
        "options": "",
        "total_amount": {
          "amount": 2050,
          "original_amount": 2100,
          "display_amount": "BRL 20,50",
          "display_original_amount": "BRL 21,00",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$",
          "total_discount": 100,
          "display_total_discount": "BRL 1,00"
        "unit_price": {
          "amount": 1050,
          "display_amount": "BRL 10,50",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "tax_amount": {
          "amount": 50,
          "display_amount": "BRL 0,50",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "quantity": 2,
        "uom": "",
        "upc": "",
        "sku": "",
        "isbn": "",
        "brand": "",
        "manufacturer": "",
        "category": "",
        "color": "",
        "size": "",
        "weight": {
          "weight": 0,
          "unit": ""
        "image_url": "",
        "details_url": "",
        "type": "",
        "taxable": true,
        "discounts": [],
        "included_in_subscription": false,
        "subscription_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "item_details": []
        "id": "d4ee0dd0-22f2-44c8-9603-7a9c29a20afa",
        "name": "Refresco",
        "description": "Coca-cola Sprite",
        "options": "",
        "total_amount": {
          "amount": 90,
          "original_amount": 75,
          "display_amount": "BRL 0,90",
          "display_original_amount": "BRL 0,75",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$",
          "total_discount": 0,
          "display_total_discount": "BRL 0,00"
        "unit_price": {
          "amount": 75,
          "display_amount": "BRL 0,75",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "tax_amount": {
          "amount": 15,
          "display_amount": "BRL 0,15",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "quantity": 1,
        "uom": "",
        "upc": "",
        "sku": "",
        "isbn": "",
        "brand": "",
        "manufacturer": "",
        "category": "",
        "color": "",
        "size": "",
        "weight": {
          "weight": 0,
          "unit": ""
        "image_url": "",
        "details_url": "",
        "type": "",
        "taxable": true,
        "discounts": [],
        "included_in_subscription": false,
        "subscription_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "item_details": []
    "discounts": [],
    "shipping_address": {
      "id": 994,
      "user_id": "",
      "first_name": "Pablo",
      "last_name": "Murillo",
      "phone": "+551146733466",
      "identity_document": "58188896454",
      "lat": -22.943934,
      "lng": -43.182984,
      "address1": "Praia de Botafogo St.,",
      "address2": "3o. Andar",
      "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "zipcode": "22251-050",
      "state_name": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "country_code": "BRA",
      "additional_description": "confirmar",
      "address_type": "home",
      "is_default": false,
      "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "identity_document_type": "CPF"
    "shipping_options": {
      "type": "",
      "details": {
        "store_name": "",
        "address": "",
        "address_coordinates": {
          "lat": 0,
          "lng": 0
        "contact": {
          "name": "",
          "phone": ""
        "additional_details": {
          "pickup_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "stock_location": ""
    "user_instructions": "",
    "metadata": {
      "origin": "core"
    "status": "pending",
    "payment": {
      "data": {
        "amount": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": ""
        "metadata": {},
        "from_card": {
          "card_brand": "",
          "first_six": "",
          "last_four": "",
          "bank_name": "",
          "country_iso": ""
        "updated_at": "0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
        "method_type": "",
        "merchant": {
          "store_code": "",
          "id": ""
        "created_at": "0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
        "id": "",
        "processor": "",
        "customer": {
          "email": "",
          "id": "",
          "first_name": "",
          "last_name": ""
        "status": "",
        "reason": "",
        "external_transaction_id": "",
        "merchant_payment_processor_name": "",
        "authorization_code": "",
        "installment_interest_calculations": null
    "gift_card": [],
    "redirect_url": "",
    "webhook_urls": null,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "display_total_discount": "BRL 0,00",
    "shipping": {
      "original_amount": 0,
      "total_discount": 0,
      "discounts": []
    "cash_change": 0,
    "shipping_method": {
      "code": "",
      "name": "",
      "min_delivery_date": "",
      "max_delivery_date": "",
      "cost": 0,
      "display_cost": "",
      "tax_amount": 0,
      "display_tax_amount": "",
      "scheduler": []
    "shipping_methods": [],
    "timezone": "",
    "scheduled_at": "",
    "billing_address": {
      "id": 688,
      "user_id": "",
      "first_name": "Jean",
      "last_name": "Roldan",
      "phone": "+5521988939196",
      "identity_document": "58188896454",
      "lat": -23.555425,
      "lng": -46.677048,
      "address1": "Rua Capote Valente",
      "address2": "Pinheiros",
      "city": "São Paulo",
      "zipcode": "05409-002",
      "state_name": "SP",
      "country_code": "BRA",
      "additional_description": "",
      "address_type": "home",
      "is_default": false,
      "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "identity_document_type": "CPF"
    "payment_link": "",
    "display_shipping_tax_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "display_total_tax_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "shipping_tax_amount": 0,
    "total_tax_amount": 0,
    "user_id": "",
    "include_payment_options": [],
    "redirect_urls": {
      "success": "",
      "pending": "",
      "error": "",
      "fallback": "",
      "close": ""
    "created_at": "2024-07-16 14:22:00.336911694 +0000 UTC",
    "updated_at": "",
    "payer_info": null,
    "discount_amount": 0,
    "shipping_discount_amount": 0,
    "device_fingerprint": "",
    "expired_at": "",
    "version": "0",
    "fraud": null,
    "total_interest_amount": 0,
    "display_total_interest_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "payment_method": "",
    "token": "",
    "statement_descriptor": ""
  "custom_fields": [],
  "checkout_modules": []

2- It is possible to get the order information using a GET Request

  • Endpoint: https://{{base_url}}/merchants/orders/{{order_token}}
  • Method: GET
  • Response Example:
  "token": "dca264ff-f608-4e0e-99b1-6fed95ddaaae",
  "order_type": "DEUNA_CHECKOUT",
  "order": {
    "order_id": "adb1ef51-e073-49f5-ba3b-a7e42344fd15",
    "store_code": "all",
    "currency": "BRL",
    "tax_amount": 0,
    "display_tax_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "shipping_amount": 0,
    "display_shipping_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "items_total_amount": 1,
    "display_items_total_amount": "BRL 0,01",
    "sub_total": 13000,
    "display_sub_total": "BRL 130,00",
    "total_amount": 13000,
    "display_total_amount": "BRL 130,00",
    "items": [
        "id": "8791e81b-5c20-414d-a1ae-3d5ad29bd477",
        "name": "Papas",
        "description": "Papas fritas con paprica",
        "options": "",
        "total_amount": {
          "amount": 2050,
          "original_amount": 2100,
          "display_amount": "BRL 20,50",
          "display_original_amount": "BRL 21,00",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$",
          "total_discount": 100,
          "display_total_discount": "BRL 1,00"
        "unit_price": {
          "amount": 1050,
          "display_amount": "BRL 10,50",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "tax_amount": {
          "amount": 50,
          "display_amount": "BRL 0,50",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "quantity": 2,
        "uom": "",
        "upc": "",
        "sku": "",
        "isbn": "",
        "brand": "",
        "manufacturer": "",
        "category": "",
        "color": "",
        "size": "",
        "weight": {
          "weight": 0,
          "unit": ""
        "image_url": "",
        "details_url": "",
        "type": "",
        "taxable": true,
        "discounts": [],
        "included_in_subscription": false,
        "subscription_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "item_details": []
        "id": "d4ee0dd0-22f2-44c8-9603-7a9c29a20afa",
        "name": "Refresco",
        "description": "Coca-cola Sprite",
        "options": "",
        "total_amount": {
          "amount": 90,
          "original_amount": 75,
          "display_amount": "BRL 0,90",
          "display_original_amount": "BRL 0,75",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$",
          "total_discount": 0,
          "display_total_discount": "BRL 0,00"
        "unit_price": {
          "amount": 75,
          "display_amount": "BRL 0,75",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "tax_amount": {
          "amount": 15,
          "display_amount": "BRL 0,15",
          "currency": "BRL",
          "currency_symbol": "R$"
        "quantity": 1,
        "uom": "",
        "upc": "",
        "sku": "",
        "isbn": "",
        "brand": "",
        "manufacturer": "",
        "category": "",
        "color": "",
        "size": "",
        "weight": {
          "weight": 0,
          "unit": ""
        "image_url": "",
        "details_url": "",
        "type": "",
        "taxable": true,
        "discounts": [],
        "included_in_subscription": false,
        "subscription_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "item_details": []
    "discounts": [],
    "shipping_address": {
      "id": 994,
      "user_id": "",
      "first_name": "Pablo",
      "last_name": "Murillo",
      "phone": "+551146733466",
      "identity_document": "58188896454",
      "lat": -22.943934,
      "lng": -43.182984,
      "address1": "Praia de Botafogo St.,",
      "address2": "3o. Andar",
      "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "zipcode": "22251-050",
      "state_name": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "country_code": "BRA",
      "additional_description": "confirmar",
      "address_type": "home",
      "is_default": false,
      "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "identity_document_type": "CPF"
    "shipping_options": {
      "type": "",
      "details": {
        "store_name": "",
        "address": "",
        "address_coordinates": {
          "lat": 0,
          "lng": 0
        "contact": {
          "name": "",
          "phone": ""
        "additional_details": {
          "pickup_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "stock_location": ""
    "user_instructions": "",
    "metadata": {
      "origin": "core"
    "status": "pending",
    "payment": {
      "data": {
        "amount": {
          "amount": 0,
          "currency": ""
        "metadata": {},
        "from_card": {
          "card_brand": "",
          "first_six": "",
          "last_four": "",
          "bank_name": "",
          "country_iso": ""
        "updated_at": "0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
        "method_type": "",
        "merchant": {
          "store_code": "",
          "id": ""
        "created_at": "0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
        "id": "",
        "processor": "",
        "customer": {
          "email": "",
          "id": "",
          "first_name": "",
          "last_name": ""
        "status": "",
        "reason": "",
        "external_transaction_id": "",
        "merchant_payment_processor_name": "",
        "authorization_code": "",
        "installment_interest_calculations": null
    "gift_card": [],
    "redirect_url": "",
    "webhook_urls": null,
    "total_discount": 0,
    "display_total_discount": "BRL 0,00",
    "shipping": {
      "original_amount": 0,
      "total_discount": 0,
      "discounts": []
    "cash_change": 0,
    "shipping_method": {
      "code": "",
      "name": "",
      "min_delivery_date": "",
      "max_delivery_date": "",
      "cost": 0,
      "display_cost": "",
      "tax_amount": 0,
      "display_tax_amount": "",
      "scheduler": []
    "shipping_methods": [],
    "timezone": "",
    "scheduled_at": "",
    "billing_address": {
      "id": 688,
      "user_id": "",
      "first_name": "Jean",
      "last_name": "Roldan",
      "phone": "+5521988939196",
      "identity_document": "58188896454",
      "lat": -23.555425,
      "lng": -46.677048,
      "address1": "Rua Capote Valente",
      "address2": "Pinheiros",
      "city": "São Paulo",
      "zipcode": "05409-002",
      "state_name": "SP",
      "country_code": "BRA",
      "additional_description": "",
      "address_type": "home",
      "is_default": false,
      "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "identity_document_type": "CPF"
    "payment_link": "",
    "display_shipping_tax_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "display_total_tax_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "shipping_tax_amount": 0,
    "total_tax_amount": 0,
    "user_id": "",
    "include_payment_options": [],
    "redirect_urls": {
      "success": "",
      "pending": "",
      "error": "",
      "fallback": "",
      "close": ""
    "created_at": "2024-07-16 14:22:00.336911694 +0000 UTC",
    "updated_at": "",
    "payer_info": null,
    "discount_amount": 0,
    "shipping_discount_amount": 0,
    "device_fingerprint": "",
    "expired_at": "",
    "version": "0",
    "fraud": null,
    "total_interest_amount": 0,
    "display_total_interest_amount": "BRL 0,00",
    "payment_method": "",
    "token": "",
    "statement_descriptor": ""
  "custom_fields": [],
  "checkout_modules": [],
  "refunds": []

3- It is possible to update an order using the following endpoint

Is the same endpoint to create an order, but if any field is changed, the order will be updated with the new value/information.

  • Endpoint: https://{{base_url}}/merchants/orders
  • Method: POST

4- Get the customer’s consent

This request will get the customer’s consent to move forward with the purchase.
The request body can be empty.

  • Endpoint: https://{{base_url}}/merchants/orders/{{order_token}}/consent
  • Method: POST

Consent statuses:

  • pending

  • success

  • failed

  • Response Example:

  "id": "f9c35e61-d2ff-444a-9b3b-ce3c8e9f0597",
  "type": "transaction.authentication.pending",
  "created": "1721140413",
  "callback_url": "",
  "data": {
    "request_id": "",
    "order": {
      "order_token": "dca264ff-f608-4e0e-99b1-6fed95ddaaae",
      "transaction_id": "adb1ef51-e073-49f5-ba3b-a7e42344fd15",
      "external_transaction_id": ""
    "consent": {
      "id": "020f896d-15f8-48c1-8358-01d50b70d5a9",
      "status": "pending",
      "expires_at": "2024-07-16T14:43:33.435273111Z",
      "authorization_id": "BzxEmevjvSU8D4_GI6CJeZzY9IcS4lDaP4Dmwr8WQSg"
    "error": null


The field status will start with the value pending, and it will change when the customer concludes the consent flow on its Nubank App.

DEUNA will send the status update also thru a webhook event.

To get the current status will be there 2 options.

  • Make a GET request to see the new status
  • Receive the status update thru webhooks.

5- Using the GET endpoint to check the Consent current status

  • Endpoint: https://{{base_url}}/merchants/orders/{{order_token}}/consent
  • Method: GET

Check that the field status is now with the value “success”

  • Response Example:
  "id": "75a2a589-ffe6-4d75-b3b3-6c4950f9fd6d",
  "type": "transaction.authentication.updated",
  "created": "1721140820",
  "callback_url": "",
  "data": {
    "request_id": "4e72819f-dec6-4d1d-b474-1f47e2ca24ba",
    "order": {
      "order_token": "dca264ff-f608-4e0e-99b1-6fed95ddaaae",
      "transaction_id": "adb1ef51-e073-49f5-ba3b-a7e42344fd15",
      "external_transaction_id": ""
    "consent": {
      "id": "020f896d-15f8-48c1-8358-01d50b70d5a9",
      "status": "success",
      "expires_at": "2024-07-31T14:33:59.015219Z",
      "authorization_id": "BzxEmevjvSU8D4_GI6CJeZzY9IcS4lDaP4Dmwr8WQSg"
    "error": null

6- With the customer’s consent, now it is possible to check the payment methods (conditions) available

  • Endpoint: https://{{base_url}}/merchants/orders/{{order_token}}/payments-methods?restrict_to_payment_methods=NUPAY
  • Method: GET


The parameter ?restrict_to_payment_methods=NUPAY in the endpoint URL is mandatory

The response will bring the methods available to the purchase, and also the number of the installments that the customer is allowed to use.
"method_type": "nupay_credit" or "nupay_debit"
"installments": []


The installments API returns HTTP 200 OK and an empty response body if there are no payment options applicable to the user. This usually means that the customer has no limit or balance in their Nubank account.

  • Response Example:
  "@type": "",
  "data": [
      "enabled": true,
      "method_type": "nupay_credit",
      "processor_name": "nupay",
      "specific_fields": null,
      "input_schema": [],
      "labels": {
        "es": ""
      "exclude_cvv": false,
      "excluded_franchises": [],
      "extra_params": {},
      "installments": [
          "installments": 1,
          "installments_amount": 13000,
          "display_installments_amount": "130.00",
          "installment_rate": 0,
          "display_installment_label": "",
          "plan_option_id": "c397a748-eda8-4878-a5b2-953415b51fad",
          "installment_total_amount": "13000",
          "installment_tax": []
          "installments": 2,
          "installments_amount": 6500,
          "display_installments_amount": "65.00",
          "installment_rate": 0,
          "display_installment_label": "",
          "plan_option_id": "cc39c974-5650-468e-ae1e-1a57b369fc74",
          "installment_total_amount": "6500",
          "installment_tax": []
      "credentials": {
        "public_api_key": "",
        "external_merchant_id": ""

7- Creating a payment with or without installments

  • Endpoint: https://{{base_url}}/v2/merchants/orders/purchase
  • Method: POST


In case, the customer wants to purchase without installments it is still require for the merchant to send in the purchase API the plan_option_id related to 1 installment


The /purchase V2 API will return a validation error when the plan_option_id is not provided.

This only applies to NuPay.

  • Request Example:
    "transaction_id": "{{transaction_id}}",
    "amount": {{total_amount}},
    "device_id": "{{$randomUUID}}",
    "order_token": "{{order_token}}",
    "payer_info": {
        "email": "[email protected]" // email of the purchaser
    "payment_source": {
        "method_type": "nupay_credit",
        "processor": "NUPAY",
        **"installment": {
            "plan_option_id": "{{plan_option_id}}" // Here is mandatory to send the plan_option_id for 1x installment, for debit or credit.
  • Response Example:
      "order_type": "DEUNA_CHECKOUT",
      "order_token": "dca264ff-f608-4e0e-99b1-6fed95ddaaae",
      "order": {
        "order_id": "adb1ef51-e073-49f5-ba3b-a7e42344fd15",
        "store_code": "all",
        "currency": "BRL",
        "tax_amount": 0,
        "display_tax_amount": "",
        "shipping_amount": 0,
        "display_shipping_amount": "BRL 0,00",
        "items_total_amount": 1,
        "display_items_total_amount": "BRL 0,01",
        "sub_total": 13000,
        "display_sub_total": "BRL 130,00",
        "total_amount": 13000,
        "display_total_amount": "BRL 130,00",
        "items": [
            "id": "8791e81b-5c20-414d-a1ae-3d5ad29bd477",
            "name": "Papas",
            "description": "Papas fritas con paprica",
            "options": "",
            "total_amount": {
              "amount": 2050,
              "original_amount": 2100,
              "display_amount": "BRL 20,50",
              "display_original_amount": "BRL 21,00",
              "currency": "BRL",
              "currency_symbol": "R$",
              "total_discount": 100,
              "display_total_discount": "BRL 1,00"
            "unit_price": {
              "amount": 1050,
              "display_amount": "BRL 10,50",
              "currency": "BRL",
              "currency_symbol": "R$"
            "tax_amount": {
              "amount": 50,
              "display_amount": "BRL 0,50",
              "currency": "BRL",
              "currency_symbol": "R$"
            "quantity": 2,
            "uom": "",
            "upc": "",
            "sku": "",
            "isbn": "",
            "brand": "",
            "manufacturer": "",
            "category": "",
            "color": "",
            "size": "",
            "weight": {
              "weight": 0,
              "unit": ""
            "image_url": "",
            "details_url": "",
            "type": "",
            "taxable": true,
            "discounts": [],
            "included_in_subscription": false,
            "subscription_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "item_details": []
            "id": "d4ee0dd0-22f2-44c8-9603-7a9c29a20afa",
            "name": "Refresco",
            "description": "Coca-cola Sprite",
            "options": "",
            "total_amount": {
              "amount": 90,
              "original_amount": 75,
              "display_amount": "BRL 0,90",
              "display_original_amount": "BRL 0,75",
              "currency": "BRL",
              "currency_symbol": "R$",
              "total_discount": 0,
              "display_total_discount": "BRL 0,00"
            "unit_price": {
              "amount": 75,
              "display_amount": "BRL 0,75",
              "currency": "BRL",
              "currency_symbol": "R$"
            "tax_amount": {
              "amount": 15,
              "display_amount": "BRL 0,15",
              "currency": "BRL",
              "currency_symbol": "R$"
            "quantity": 1,
            "uom": "",
            "upc": "",
            "sku": "",
            "isbn": "",
            "brand": "",
            "manufacturer": "",
            "category": "",
            "color": "",
            "size": "",
            "weight": {
              "weight": 0,
              "unit": ""
            "image_url": "",
            "details_url": "",
            "type": "",
            "taxable": true,
            "discounts": [],
            "included_in_subscription": false,
            "subscription_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "item_details": []
        "discounts": [],
        "shipping_address": {
          "id": 994,
          "user_id": "",
          "first_name": "Pablo",
          "last_name": "Murillo",
          "phone": "+551146733466",
          "identity_document": "58188896454",
          "lat": -22.943934,
          "lng": -43.182984,
          "address1": "Praia de Botafogo St.,",
          "address2": "3o. Andar",
          "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
          "zipcode": "22251-050",
          "state_name": "Rio de Janeiro",
          "country_code": "BRA",
          "additional_description": "confirmar",
          "address_type": "home",
          "is_default": false,
          "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "identity_document_type": "CPF"
        "shipping_options": null,
        "user_instructions": "",
        "metadata": {
          "origin": "core"
        "status": "pending",
        "payment": {
          "data": {
            "amount": {
              "amount": 13000,
              "currency": "BRL"
            "metadata": {
              "authorization_code": "",
              "external_transaction_id": "afa0a436-6f4a-4583-84c4-430639f5e7d9"
            "from_card": {
              "card_brand": "",
              "first_six": "",
              "last_four": "",
              **"installment": {
                "installments": 1,
                "plan_id": "f90e1c3e-eb23-4706-90aa-8e289a38d382",
                "plan_option_id": "c397a748-eda8-4878-a5b2-953415b51fad",
                "installment_type": "MCI",
                "installment_rate": 0,
                "installment_amount": 0**
              "bank_name": "",
              "country_iso": ""
            "updated_at": "2024-07-16 14:55:17.393166774 +0000 UTC",
            "method_type": "credit",
            "merchant": {
              "store_code": "all",
              "id": "20a5bc23-f349-489b-a183-a3e0f09556a6"
            "created_at": "2024-07-16 14:55:17.392079806 +0000 UTC",
            "id": "adb1ef51-e073-49f5-ba3b-a7e42344fd15",
            "processor": "nupay",
            "customer": {
              "email": "[email protected]",
              "id": "40c3ec29-8562-41c6-bb47-96ca7c852e01",
              "first_name": "",
              "last_name": ""
            "status": "processing",
            "reason": "",
            "external_transaction_id": "afa0a436-6f4a-4583-84c4-430639f5e7d9",
            "merchant_payment_processor_name": "",
            "authorization_code": "",
            "installment_interest_calculations": null
        "gift_card": [],
        "redirect_url": "",
        "webhook_urls": null,
        "total_discount": 0,
        "display_total_discount": "BRL 0,00",
        "shipping": null,
        "cash_change": 0,
        "shipping_method": null,
        "shipping_methods": [],
        "timezone": "",
        "scheduled_at": "",
        "billing_address": {
          "id": 688,
          "user_id": "",
          "first_name": "Jean",
          "last_name": "Roldan",
          "phone": "+5521988939196",
          "identity_document": "58188896454",
          "lat": -23.555425,
          "lng": -46.677048,
          "address1": "Rua Capote Valente",
          "address2": "Pinheiros",
          "city": "São Paulo",
          "zipcode": "05409-002",
          "state_name": "SP",
          "country_code": "BRA",
          "additional_description": "",
          "address_type": "home",
          "is_default": false,
          "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "identity_document_type": "CPF"
        "payment_link": "",
        "display_shipping_tax_amount": "BRL 0,00",
        "display_total_tax_amount": "BRL 0,00",
        "shipping_tax_amount": 0,
        "total_tax_amount": 0,
        "user_id": "",
        "include_payment_options": [],
        "redirect_urls": {
          "success": "",
          "pending": "",
          "error": "",
          "fallback": "",
          "close": ""
        "created_at": "",
        "updated_at": "",
        "payer_info": null,
        "discount_amount": 0,
        "shipping_discount_amount": 0,
        "device_fingerprint": "",
        "expired_at": "",
        "version": "0",
        "fraud": {
          "analysis": {
            "score": 0.0405804,
            "processor": "SIFT",
            "risk_level": "",
            "status": "automatic_decision",
            "type": "",
            "fraud_decision": "",
            "details": "",
            "processor_response": ""
        "display_total_interest_amount": "",
        "payment_method": "",
        "token": "",
        "statement_descriptor": ""

9- Creating a Refund

  • Endpoint: https://{{base_url}}/v2/merchants/orders/{{order_token}}/refund
  • Method: POST


Nupay always returns back a refunding status. It is important for the merchant to listen to DEUNA's webhooks to get notified on the final status of a refund.


Nupay does support multiple partial refunds


It is mandatory to use the refunds V2 API from DEUNA


If you don't send the parameter "amount" in the request body, the refund will be total.

  • Request Example:
    "reason": "refund requested",
    "amount": 13000 //Here the amount can be total or partial. If you don't send this parameter, the refund will be total.
  • Response Example:
  "data": {
    "refund_id": "58635dc5-a968-4da2-bb71-617f74bb3723",
    "status": "refunding",
    "refund_amount": {
      "amount": "13000",
      "currency": "BRL"
    "order": null,
    "refunds": [ // list of all the refunds associated to the same order
        "refund_id": "58635dc5-a968-4da2-bb71-617f74bb3723",
        "refund_amount": {
          "amount": "13000",
          "currency": "BRL"
        "refunded_on": "2024-07-16T14:58:30Z",
        "status": "refunding",
        "external_transaction_id": "3dbd1cce-85b8-4c8c-b745-b894825e9866"
  "error": null

10- Sandbox Testing Data

Documents/CPFs for testing:


The document number must be sent in the Order Creation request body (Step 1).

CPF NumberDescription
58188896454Authorization accepted by the customer for any type of charge.
31457612500Authorization denied by the customer.

Simulating Installments Responses:


The amount must be sent in the Order Creation request body (Step 1).

Amount rangeSimulation scenario
amount between R$ 0.01 and R$ 100.00Debit
amount between R$ 101.00 and R$ 200.00Credit
amount between R$ 201.00 and R$ 500.00Credit with interest
amount with any amount above R$501.00Debit, credit and credit with interest. (A maximum of 3 installments will be shown in the response body).

11- Error Codes

  • Customer’s Consent:
CodeMessageHTTP StatusActionMessageReason
DP-4024invalid merchant ID400Contact DEUNA supportfailedThis could be due to a credentials mismatch
DP-3000invalid payload400RetryfailedVerify the provided payload for the consent request
DP-5002Internal error500Contact DEUNA supportfailedInternal DEUNA error
DP-4025Consent creation failed400RetryfailedVerify your processor configuration in DEUNAs administrative portal
  • Get Payment Methods
CodeMessageNext action
DP-20001Failed get AuthorizationVerify the request body and retry the request
DP-20002Failed in Get TokenVerify the request body and retry the request
DP-20003Failed to get payment conditionsVerify the request body and retry the request
  • Purchases
DP-4026SYSTEM_ERRORThe system can not process this payment now. Please try again later.
DP-4026CANCELLED_BY_USERThe user cancelled the payment.
DP-4026CANCELLED_BY_TIMEOUTThis payment was cancelled due to timeout.
DP-4026CANCELLED_BY_INSTITUTIONThe institution cancelled the payment.
DP-4026CANCELLED_BY_SELLERSeller has cancelled this payment.